Ashlin Muldoon is the DMAA Student of the Week for January 19-25
This week’s DMAA Student of the Week is Ashlin Muldoon! Ashlin has been in the Digital Media Arts Academy in the Photography pathway for the past 4 years. Ashlin has played Lacrosse for the Golden Hawks for 4 years along with being a part of FCA! Ashlin has won many photo contests in her years at EDHS including placing 2nd place at the Yorba Linda Library Exposed Contest, 1st place in graphic design for the YL Woman’s Club Contest, and 1st place for Wyland’s National Art Contest. She received high honors for her AP College Board Portfolio that featured a delightful comparison between color versus black and white landscapes. Ashlin is attending Biola University in the Fall and has plans to be a worship leader. Thank you, Ashlin, for being such a creative force here at El Dorado. Congratulations!
