Photo Field Trip to Oceanside
Yesterday 60 EDHS photo students traveled to Oceanside on the Metrolink train on our first of 3 photo field trips for the 2019-20 year. We visited two museums, The Oceanside Museum of Art & the Oceanside Surf Museum. At the OMA we saw modern artist Marina Debris' work entitled "Trashionista" where she transforms trash into lovely gowns and photographs them in beautiful and unique ways. At OSA we looked at old surf photography, including an underwater camera from the 1930's and Bethany Hamilton's shark eaten surfboard. Lorely Meza, former El Dorado student and professional wedding photographer, came on the trip with us and gave us pointers about how to take better outdoor pictures and how to become a professional photographer. Students walked the pier taking amazing images of surfers and the wildlife and had a real world experience out of the Placentia- Yorba Linda bubble. It was really inspiring!!! Next field trip is to the Riverside Museum of Photography in late February.