Dec 20, 2021
Zane Zietlow is the DMAA Student of the Week!
Congratulations to the DMAA Student of the Week for December 20-26 - EDHS Video Student, Zane Zietlow! The Hawk Talk News Directors had...

Dec 13, 2021
Jack Makely is the DMAA Student of the Week
Jack Makely is the DMAA Student of the Week for the week of 12/13. Jack is a Visual Communications student. This year he's been honing...

Dec 9, 2021
Yorba Linda Exposed Contest Winners!
Please congratulate the following DMAA Photo students who placed in the annual Yorba Linda Exposed Photo Contest: 2ND PLACE: ZACH COLBY...

Dec 6, 2021
Peyton Russell is the DMAA Student of the Week!
Our DMAA Student of the Week for December 6-12 is Peyton Russell! Peyton is a four year member of the Digital Media Arts Academy in the...

Dec 1, 2021
Tahlia Pompel is the DMAA Student of the Week
Congratulations to our DMAA Student of the Week - Tahlia Pompel. Tahlia never fails to impress her peers with her hard work ethic,...